Thursday, August 7, 2008

Missouri State Fair - Day 1

Day 1 at the Missouri State Fair, and Flat Jason has started making the rounds. First, we stopped at the bear carving. They built a new children's playground near the bear and added more wooden sculptures.

Then we headed to the Missouri Department of Conservation to see Smokey the Bear. We stopped at the concession stand near the 4-H Building for our dollar-priced corn dog. Wa-hoo for Dollar Days!

Next, it was on to the farm implements, where I found what Jason would call a "quad cab, dualie, double pumper," which is what he says when he thinks things are huge and maybe a little overkill. He's only had to work on small farms, though.

Then we came back to type a few things in our snug little room. You can see that Jake the dog, who joined my family six years ago this fair. You may also notice that there are polar bears and penguins on my sheets to help me think postively about the fair weather, which has been great so far.

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