Monday, August 11, 2008

Concert at the Fair

Saturday night - concert time. Lauren came up to go to the Josh Turner concert with me. Flat Jason decided he didn't want to go, so we left him in our room to sleep.

Lauren and I ate dinner at the Missouri Cattlemen's Beef House before the show. Then we found our seats: four rows from the front, dead center.

The concert was amazing! Pat Green was on first. Lauren and I were the only ones standing in our area for a while. When I started taking photos, Pat saw me and pointed. His fiddle/guitar player threw a guitar pick at us, but it fell behind us and a little girl snatched it up. Pat closed with "Wave on Wave" and people were STILL sitting, so he started calling out audience members, including my roommate and her boyfriend who were sitting with their arms crossed. By the end everyone was standing and ready for Josh Turner.

Josh opened with "Firecracker" and put on a marvelous show! He played the guitar and the mandolin. I really liked his shirt. The "Blessed with Freedom" shirt is available from the Blessed Clothing Company, and the proceeds go to St. Jude's.

Afterward, we grabbed a funnel cake and went to visit Richard, who works at a ball toss for the carnival, on the midway. Lauren and I had planned to watch a movie when we got back to our room, but we had too much fun and had to call it a night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me sound like such a party-pooper! I swear I was having fun. It was pretty funny that he called me out though...