Sunday, September 21, 2008

Didn't know Flat Jason was THAT country...

It was Saturday night and time for dancing! Flat Jason and I headed to Kingdom City to meet our friend Josh for some fun at KC Country, a dance hall in town. FJ was well-rested and ready to go; he stayed at home while I joined Diana, Jason and Jeremy to see John Oliver in Jesse Auditorium Friday night, and he also took a nap Saturday afternoon.

We got there in time to learn some line dances before the band took the stage. Learning the dances beforehand was very helpful because, as we learned, when you don't know the dances, it's hard to pick up on a dark dance floor. We met a lot of nice people, including some Westminster students, a smattering of young people from Jefferson City and Josh's grandma, who was helping teach me how to dance. We finally left when it closed around 1 a.m., perhaps not the best idea considering the Meneely reunion the next day, but we had a good time!

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