Friday, July 18, 2008

Sometimes it's a God thing...

I had to make a trip to the mall on Saturday afternoon and I just happened to run into Laura, a fellow married-but-single. We stopped in at the Asain store in the mall. I'm not sure of its name, but it had tons of fun bamboo and Asian decorating items.

We checked out a few other stores. Then Laura suggested we get pedicures. I was up for an adventure! We went to California Nails for some special treatment. I got a deep red color for my polish. Laura got a pink color to match a dress she's wearing to her brother's wedding.

I was pretty excited until I had to take off my shoes and sit in the chair. That's when embarrassment set in. My legs were covered in those darn mosquito bites, and I felt like a leper. But the guy doing my feet didn't say anything.

Afterward, we stopped a few other stores and ate dinner at Sonic. A cold front was moving in, and we finished our meal quickly. I never knew it could be that chilly in July!

The best part was Laura said she had thought about calling me, but she figured I would be busy. I definitely was not, and I was totally glad that we ran into each other. It really brightened up my gloomy evening.

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