Saturday, November 1, 2008

Homecoming Weekend

M-I-Z-Z-O-U! Homecoming at the University of Missouri, the birthplace of homecoming, really is the best. Festivities had been going on all week.

Todd came down for some fun on Friday. We took Flat Jason to Greek Town to check out house decorations. Each year the fraternities and sororities team up and decorate their house yards. They mostly put on small plays relating to a theme that somehow incorporates winning the upcoming football game. This year's theme was Strength in Stripes, and it looked like the Stripes had taken over the silver screen. We watched versions of the Incredibles, Madagascar and Shrek. The Shrek one was my favorite. I think they did the best job pomping their background and characters.

Then we went to the rally at Deja Vu. I don't know how I missed those as a student because it was awesome! There was such a great sense of camaraderie and Tiger Spirit, especially when they broke out the fight song!

Even though we got in pretty late, we still got up the next morning in time for the parade. (Note the coffee in the photo.) We watched from outside Whitten Hall, near Memorial Union. The Grand Marshal was Juliet Huddy, an MU alum who co-hosts The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet on ABC. I was very impressed with the parade. All of the fraternities and sororities had nice floats. There were tons of bands, including Laura (married-but-single) Mudge's band from Hartville. And since it is an election year, the politicians were out in full force.

After the parade, and a nap, we headed over to the Phi Psi House for some tailgating. We spent most of our time meeting Todd's friends, but we found a fellow Wal-Mart veteran from our era. Ahh...good times. Anyway, we ran into someone who had decided they could make the game and graciously gave us their tickets for free! It was a little weird sitting on the alumni side, but the game was amazing! We beat the Colorado Buffaloes 58-0! And we met one of the nicest Tiger fans ever; he let me borrow a sweatshirt. M-I-Z-Z-O-U!

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