Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Flat Jason and I hosted a small Halloween party at the duplex as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess's Cat in the Hat. We also had a couple of characters from Gossip Girl, Quail Man and a hobo who needed money for student loans.

We made sure to get some good candy for kids who might stop by. I got Reese's for the chocolate fans and Nerds for the anti-chocolate. More than a dozen kids from the neighborhood stopped by to trick-or-treat. I think my favorite was a little guy dressed as a dragon. We opened the door and he came right in. We would have let him stay, too, but I think his mom wanted to get home.
Later, we broke out the games. We started with a traditional one: bobbing for apples. Then, with a wet face from the apple bucket, everyone got a chance to retrieve a marshmallow from a bowl of flour. The idea is that you have to root around in the flour for the marshmallow and the flour sticks to your face. In hindsight, powdered sugar would probably have been a better choice. It would have been just as messy AND it would have tasted better. Good to know for next time!
We ended the evening looking at funny videos on the internet. I never knew there were so many out there, everything from silly cats to Japanese portapotty pranks. Where have I been all this time? I had everyone beat, though. They'd never heard of Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. (Watch it!)

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