Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mother's Day

Flat Jason and I went to my parents house for Mother's Day, but we made sure to call his mom. We had a nice lunch, and Flat Jason helped Lauren make one of his favorite desserts - chocolate trifle. (Long "I," as in rifle.) Then the girls retired to the family room to watch P.S. I love you. FJ didn't come; he avoids chick flicks when he can. John and Dad would have done well to follow his example. They both got tired of it and left the viewing area. Good thing, too. We girls were getting tired of the "I-can't-believe-you're-watching-this" groaning!

After the movie, we went to eat dinner at Grandma Schad's house. We didn't have the normal-sized crowd, but it was good to visit with those who came. Mom even posed for a photo with Flat Jason before we left.

So, happy Mother's Day, Mom and Ann...and Grandma! And, to the new mother, Stefani, of my new nephew, Oliver.

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