As you can see, Jason is alive and well. They keep him pretty busy at Fort Leonard Wood. He had some spare time recently to send me some photos of himself. A little about the photos: Jason practices land navigation, shooting a handgun and directing a convoy.
Hi Amanda,
Just wanted to let you know that we finished the movie and it is "up" on CurrentTV, at this address:
The video is better quality not on the web, I promise. Thank you again many times over for working with us!
Hi Amanda,
Just wanted to let you know that we finished the video and it is "up" on the web on CurrentTV. You can watch it at
The video quality is much better when it's not on the web. It will eventually have music but we couldn't upload it. If you want a copy on DVD or something, we would be happy to make one for you. Thank you again, many times over, for all your help!
It was good to see 3-D Jason this weekend. I found your blog, as you can see :-D
Bryan and Jen are hounding me about having a fondue party before I have to go back home for the summer. You and Flat Jason are already invited.
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